St Thomas More

St Thomas More by Hans Holbein

Today is the birthday of St Thomas More (he would have been 534 years old today:) 

I think St Thomas is a great example today, especially with our governments current assault on religious freedom in this country.  He teaches us that we must stand firm in our beliefs and defend our faith.

And this strength is most needed by our leaders.  Before his death, Francis Cardinal George of Chicago said that “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison, and his successor will die a martyr.”  Will this prediction become a reality?  Will our leaders stand firm, like St Thomas More, come what may?

King Henry VIII certainly wanted to make the Church and its leaders bow to his will and St Thomas More lost his life for not compromising his conscience.  This is no different than what the curent administration is asking of our Bishops.

We need to pray for our Bishops; to give them wisdom and strength; to emulate St Thomas.

St Thomas More, pray for us.


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