Best Grocery Store Ever

This store has always been fantastic to mothers, with parking spaces close to  the doors for expectant mothers.

I will also share a story about this chain.  Many years ago, when my wife was expecting our first child and in her 9th month, she went to Publix's to pick up some groceries.  She was only getting a few things so went to the express lane.  Unfortunately she had a few too many items, so the person at the cash register gave her a hard time for being in the express lane.  She came home crying because it was just one more thing and it was too much; she was uncomfortable, and now she could not focus.  Needless to say I was not very happy and called the manager of the store and complained that although she may have been in the wrong lane, giving a hard time to a woman that was so far along in her pregnancy was unacceptable.  I am sure my tone was not very nice.  He apologized and asked for my wife's name. 

They never cashed the check for the groceries.


  1. Awesome!! :) If I had heard this before, I don't remember it...but I have a hard time remembering last week! I was at Publix pharmacy recently having a panic attack because the epipen that was very much going to be needed sooner than I knew was 250.00... the pharmacist spent about 20 minutes trying to find a coupon online..then when there were none, she gave me a Publix discount that took off 100.00 <3 Should've gotten her name..or I should call mgr and tell him this story now that it actually saved Sam's life... she had to use it last Sat. when lips swelled and toungue swelled...gave time to get to ER and on IV meds. Ok, calling Publix :) after we go see allergist and try to figure this all out.
    Thx for prayers! love, Nancy


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